IWCA series: Tina Widowski

July 11, 2021
Bree Rody

Professor Tina M. Widowski has spent more than 25 years investigating the factors that affect the well-being of poultry and livestock. Collaborating with academic leaders including Temple Grandin and Ian Duncan, her extensive research and authorship has included findings on growth, efficiency and mortality in broiler chickens, as well as alternative housing systems for chickens.
Canadian Poultry editor Brett Ruffell chats with Dr. Widowski in this episode of AgAnnexTalks, the third in this year’s series of podcasts with seven Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture. IWCA is a program created by the agriculture brands at Annex Business Media, designed to recognize women who make a difference in Canada’s ag industry and provide them with a platform to share their knowledge, triumphs and advice.
Stay tuned as we bring you the rest of our 2021 Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture. Never miss an episode by subscribing to AgAnnex Talks on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.
This episode is sponsored by Egg Farmers of Canada
This podcast is sponsored by Bayer Crop Science.